Devoted to scientific literature, scholarly publications, and research development, Macrothink Institute serves as a private organization. The institute does not only publish original and research oriented literature, but also promotes other such networks and foundations operating in the same domain. Macrothink Institute offers financial support to ensure that every talented researcher and student is given a chance to showcase their work and talent.
The institute believes in digitization. Therefore, unlike many other research journals that are printed, Macrothink Institute issues only digital versions of its research publications. Not only does it help protect the environment since it utilizes less paper, electronic journals are also cost-effective and accessible to a large segment of readers all over the world. An electronic database is all that is needed to distribute the published content.
Washington NASA Space Grant Consortium (WSGC) is a network of colleges and universities that help maintain distinct position of USA in the field of aerospace, mathematics, engineering, science and technology. The primary objective of WSGC is to promote research and education and fund projects to strengthen the State's position in aeronautics.
Donation to front-line research helps bring authentic and original content in the limelight. No matter how brilliant a research paper is, the benefit can only be drawn once it is published and made accessible to the masses. Macrothink Institute isn't an organization that runs on funds and donations. Instead, it extends financial support and sponsorships to ongoing research projects at a number of universities.
Individuals, foundations, and private organizations should support such a cause. Research and development as conducted by NASA Space Grant and published by Macrothink Institute are quite beneficial. Often times there are potential researchers who have incredible research papers, but fail to publish these due to a lack of financial resources.
Therefore, other developed entities make a huge difference if they help submit and publish such research projects for the benefit of all the concerned individuals and organizations. Not only the author, but millions of readers also benefit from research material. Besides, it helps the nation make more breakthroughs in science and technology thus encouraging more innovations down the line.
Several students have this mindset to grow in the field of science and technology. Even more prominent and acknowledged is the field of aerospace science and technology. It's one of the strengths of the US and which is why private and public organizations encourage potential authors to submit their research work in said fields.
Authors and researchers get remarkable international exposure by submitting their research work on such platforms. Macrothink Institute does not only have high quality assurance and systematic network of publications, but also goes the extra mile to sponsor potential authors, if necessary. Such practices aid the country in creating brilliant minds and harnessing their potential in order to grow as a nation.